About Me

So, this is me. Just starting out my very first blog after finally deciding that I should put some of my favorite things all together. Reading and sharing my own opinion being those aforementioned things.  I LOVE reading. (Love it like I'm pretty sure my house sometimes falls down around me and none of my work gets done and my friends think I forgot about them and I forget to eat kind of love it.) There are some other things I love to, like my cat Luna, good music, foggy days and the sound of ocean waves crashing while I drift to sleep. I live in the middle of the state of Colorado, so the foggy days and ocean sounds are pretty rare. Since this is the case, I have to find my loves where I can, roaming book stores or hiding out at home with nothing but a stack of books, my cat and iTunes to keep me company. The ramblings you will (hopefully) read here on my blog are about that stack of books. I don't claim to be an expert or anything like that--just a regular girl who wants to share her opinion on what I'm reading currently. I hope you like it.

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About Me

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When I'm not working at my day job as a middle school English teacher, I can usually be found hanging out reading a book or planning my next getaway. Not that I get away very often, but a girl can dream, right? I also love board games, spending time with friends, and playing the occasional game of volleyball.
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